Working with Delphine Perrot in our 2nd collaboration as DD we got a mention in…
Rickshaw Projections in SOHO/ London
Self funded by myself and artist/ designer Delphine Perrot, I took the mobile projection rickshaw from Leeds to London for some mobile projections. Only having rode the rickshaw a short distance myself around a car park (I’m normally sat in the back), I thought the nighttime London traffic would be a great place to learn how I got on the open road – er! you learn quick! We collected the rickshaw in … and after 9 miles of hills, hairy roundabouts & London bridge, we reached SOHO! A relative quick set up whilst other rickshaws riders looked on, the intervention was on.
Mobile Projections Soho/London from davelynch on Vimeo.
One of the great aspects of Soho were the other rickshaws, finally the rickshaw stopped being the object of observation, this left the projections to be seen by the passing public.
See the horse in motion original film.
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